Monday, October 1, 2007

My dearest old friend is having a baby!

Been a while since I wrote anything, huh?
Jeni and Dave came down almost a month ago and I'm just now getting around to documenting their visit. Jeni and Dave are having a baby!!!! I am sooooo happy for them. I'm predicting a girl for them. Actually, it feels like a bunch of people are having babies. Heather and Mindy, girls I used to work with are both having babies in the first part of next year, too. I still need to make time to get together with the few friends I have who are mothers to kids around Evan's age. It just seems like I don't have enough time in the day to take care of my own little family, let alone make dates with other people. I need to, though, and I plan on making it more of a priority again. I think it would be really good for Evan, too.

While Jeni and Dave were here Evan said his first word. He said "COW". It was very exciting! He says it all the time now. He points out the window b/c he knows that's where the cows live and he says "cow" perfectly. I think he thinks that the donkeys are called cows, too, but that's fine with me. He waves at all of the animals and occasionally at people. He is so cute. He also ate his first little bit of meat while Jeni and Dave were visiting. He ate some turkey. Again, this was exciting. He still doesn't eat any other kind of meat so far but, again, I don't mind.

I didn't take any pictures during J&D's visit but, fortunately, they did! Jeni and I are showing some love to a couple of my dogs. They relish visits from J & D b/c they get extra good love and attention.

I did not make my son's hair do this deliberately! I merely applied suncreen to his face and neck and this was the result. He looks a little nutty to me. Cutey-pie.

This past weekend we went to Galveston and stayed at a friend's beach house. The house is on a canal, so it's very serene and picturesque. It was supposed to be relaxing but we found out that we really cannot relax in a non-babyproofed house on the water. It was very pretty though, and I love watching the birds and fish.

My brother and his wife had their little boy at the beginning of September. It's been rough so far, but things are looking up. He's supposed to get out of neonatal ICU in a couple of weeks. I can't wait to hold him for the first time.

1 comment:

Jeni Q said...

Yay, I love being blogged about!! :)