Friday, October 12, 2007

I still need to buy a book on dreams

I have always had weird dreams. Last night's has me curious as to its meaning.

I am in the Pioneer Days (approximately 1850's, I guess), married to a strapping "pioneer type" fellow, gruff but committed. We are all wearing typical "pioneer garb", it looks like we are straight out of "Little House on the Prairie". Apparently we have 2 young kids and a niece and nephew in our charge. In my dream, the pioneer days meant that communities traveled together in search of a place to settle and we would gather all of our brass beds together to make camp and sleep under the stars (no tents), in our lovely old-fashioned brass beds with patchwork quilts. I wonder what would happen if it rained?

ANYWAY, somebody attacked our camp, setting beds on fire, there was mayhem, death, and we were trying to gather up our family to escape.

Flash forward, what's left of the community (including us) sets up a new camp by the shore. It looks like the east coast (only b/c TX does not have the most attractive beaches and my dream beach was very pretty).

People are frolicking in the surf. I'm putting on sunscreen (yes, now the "Pioneer days" include sunscreen and swimsuits--thank goodness!) and I walk toward the surf only to find people getting out b/c some sharks have swam (is "swam" a word?) into the area. When the tide goes back out, everyone knows the sharks will leave, too, we just have to wait until that happens before we get in the water.

That's my dream. What does it mean?

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