Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Presently, this is my life

It's not quite 7 am, the animals are fed, the child is fed, I have had at least a sip or two of coffee and I hear it....Kind of a hacking, but more throaty. Then I see it, my lovely white kitty projectile spews just a few feet from me. It stretches well over a yard ahead of him. I'd be impressed except that with only a little bit of coffee in my stomach, I'm feeling a bit like throwing up, myself, when I get a whiff of the fishy vomit odor eminating from the spill.

Good Morning!


Jeni Q said...

Poor kitty baby! And poor girl for having to clean it up. :(

cmrpaul said...


Poor guys. I hope she's feeling better and you didn't have other messes to clean up.