Saturday, March 1, 2008

Why the "Cry it out" Method is my Savior

OK, I said in my previous blog that Evan's sleep habits had been getting better. While this was a true statement, the improvements were incrementally pretty small. Sleep deprivation was taking a toll on me. Scott and I were at odds on this issue and, I think b/c of the lack of sleep mainly, it had become extremely contentious.

I was nearing the end of my rope. I went to Half Price Books (I love that place. I always have fun there and end up going a little overboard with the books). I left the store with 6 books on getting children to sleep, 2 books on raising healthy children, 1 book on disciplining children and, just to make me feel that much better and soothed, I got a couple of cookbooks and a gardening book.

It is amazing how quickly I can read when I really want to. I got through 2 sleep books in one day and did some speed reading/major skimming of 2 others. I didn't get to the last 2 books on sleep but that's OK b/c by that point I had gotten the common thread. Consistency and self-soothing are of the utmost importance if you want your child to sleep by himself in his own bedroom. The easiest and most successful transition takes place between 4 and 8 months of age. Yes, I had heard this before, but now I was finally ready to engage!!!!

I missed the 4-8 month window, and I already knew this was no cake walk, so I steeled myself to doing what had to be done.

I'm glad I spent this last month trying a more gentle way to get Evan to sleep on his own b/c I think that's what it took to show me that I needed to be more disciplined in this endeavor.

I wrote and printed copies of my sleep plan and posted them throughout the house to help remind myself of precisely what I'm doing when it's 2 am and I'm only half conscious and can't remember much of anything.

The GOLDEN KEY, the little gem of information that saved me was something that I had been dreading doing and something that Scott refused to do---let Evan CRY IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!

If he wakes up and walks over to his baby gate, I kiss him on the head, take him back to his bed and I leave. If he goes right back to sleep, that's great, if not, he has to cry it out. The first time lasted about an hour, but in the following nights, it's been 5-10 minutes tops. Last night was just once and it lasted only a minute or two.

Scott slept in his truck the first couple of nights. He needed to be out of the house b/c he can't stand to hear Evan crying and I needed him out of the house b/c his lack of support of the program just added to my anxiety and stress.

I think he's shocked that Evan has come this far this quickly. He was certain that Evan's sleep problems would never be fixed without medical intervention.

So, I'm feeling significantly better and I think I might have gained some power in my husband's eyes. Maybe he will acquiesce some power here and we can move forward in a more equitable manner.


cmrpaul said...

Oh how agonizing! WhooHoo! that he got the hang of it so fast though and a big WhooHoo! for you too. I know that was tough.

Jeni Q said...

I'm proud of you. Stay strong!