Friday, July 27, 2007

Evan's Birthday

Evan is ONE YEAR OLD. I can't believe I have a one year old! My mom came down to visit for his birthday and to go to my sister-in-law's baby shower. We had a little family party for Evan. I baked a lamb shaped cake for him. For my first birthday, I had a little lamb cake. It's actually more of an Easter cake but I was feeling nostalgic and thought it would be neat to make him a cake like I had -- kind of a tradition.

This was my first stab at cake decorating. I should have taken a picture of it right after I finished it b/c by the time I snapped a photo, the icing was already melting off. It has been raining constantly and with the humidity, the icing just would not set. Scott said it looked like the lamb had mange...funny....but it was fun. I think I'll try my hand at it again sometime.

Evan's Nana bought him a little single serve cake at the store so he could have a cake to play with in the high chair without totally ruining the lamb since we wanted to eat the cake, too. He doesn't really like to eat cake yet. He smeared a good portion on his face but I don't think much of it made its way to his tummy.

He got lots of great gifts and seemed like he enjoyed the party experience.

I'm looking out the window and it's raining again. It's wild how much rain we're getting this year. The chickens love it b/c the worms come out and they get their pick of them as well as plenty of bugs and such. Chester, one of the roosters, kept chasing my mom, trying to peck at her every time she went outside. I don't know why he felt so threatened by her. It was pretty funny.

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