Monday, June 4, 2007

Good Rains Bring Out the Wildlife

We had a great thunderstorm last night, so that made for an interesting morning. After I fed Evan I was washing dishes and saw something catch my eye out the kitchen window. There she was, a feral pig rooting around near the barn. I got my camera and went out to take a few shots. There were 7 pigs of various sizes out there. Unfortunately, they're quick and I couldn't get a shot of them all together. The one picture I was hoping to get didn't turn out--it's all fuzzy, but I'll put it up anyway b/c a momma pig is looking right at me and she looks kinda spooky with those little glowing eyes.

I came inside and went back to the dishes when I saw Mr. Turkey hanging around with the cows and donkeys. So, I grabbed my camera and went back outside and took a few pictures of him. We usually start out with about a dozen baby turkeys and then we have just one or two that hang around toward the end of the season.

I love our wildlife.

I also got a couple of pictures of the cows. Anabelle had her first calf about a week ago and she's really cute. She's the little brown and white one. In one of the pictures, she's checking out one of the older calves. Primetime, our bull, is in the foreground.

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